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Author: Ian S. Mednick

The Law Offices of Ian S. Mednick, P.C. > Articles posted by Ian S. Mednick (Page 5)

What to Do When an Ex Stops Paying Child Support

unpaid child support long island

In Long Island and the rest of the United States, children are entitled by law to get financial support, regardless of whether the parents are married, divorced, legally separated, or were never married.  This is very clear and known to many, but at times, a non-custodial parent misses a child support payment or stops paying entirely. If you're the custodial parent, what should you do to make sure your children get child support payments from your ex-spouse or partner? Child Support vs Child Access Before we address the question of child support, you need to be clear on one thing: child support and child...

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Valuation and Distribution of Cryptocurrency Assets in Divorce Proceedings

cryptocurrency and divorce proceedings long island

Finalizing a divorce entails full disclosure from both spouses of their assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. Here in Long Island, this was a relatively easy process, as these items could not be concealed easily from the court or the spouse. That changed in 2009 when cryptocurrency arrived at the scene. So in divorce proceedings, how do you split cryptocurrency or money stashed away in them? Let's look at your options. Checking for Undisclosed Cryptocurrency When both parties declare all their assets, including cryptocurrency, the court can decide on how to distribute them. Problems arise when your spouse fails or refuses to disclose any cryptocurrency they...

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