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Author: Ian S. Mednick

The Law Offices of Ian S. Mednick, P.C. > Articles posted by Ian S. Mednick (Page 3)

How Do I Choose a Divorce Attorney?

how to choose right divorce attorney in long island

Divorce is a significant life event that can bring about a range of emotions and challenges. However, it is also an opportunity for a new beginning and a better future for you and your family. Moreover, the divorce process usually takes about a year to complete. Choosing the right divorce lawyer can make all the difference in achieving a positive outcome and moving forward with confidence. Here are some practical tips for selecting the right divorce lawyer for your Long Island case: Look for Experience and Expertise One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a divorce lawyer is their experience and expertise....

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Can I Change Attorneys Once Divorce Proceedings Are Underway?

can you change divorce lawyer

A divorce can be one of the most stressful experiences a person can go through. An experienced and trustworthy divorce attorney in Long Island can make all the difference in difficult times. But what happens if you've lost confidence in your current attorney? Can you switch to a different one midway through the proceedings? The simple answer is YES. When Should I Consider Changing Divorce Attorneys? Your attorney should not only be experienced in handling divorce cases but also someone you feel comfortable communicating with and who has your best interests at heart. Consider these factors when making this important decision: Communication Issues Communication is vital...

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Do I Need a Lawyer to Handle My Divorce?

divorce lawyer long island

If you are considering getting a divorce, you may be wondering whether you need a lawyer to help you through the process. Hiring a lawyer will be easier and more beneficial in the long run, enabling you to focus on moving forward to the next chapter of your life. In addition, divorce lawyers offer invaluable advice that can enable you to make informed decisions. A knowledgeable and experienced divorce lawyer ensures that your interests are protected and that the process goes as smoothly as possible. Keep reading as we talk about how to deal with divorce and where to find a...

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Asset Division During Divorce: Does My Spouse Get Half of My Business?

dividing business assets divorce

The latest data shows that in 2020 alone, there were about 630,000 divorces conducted across the US. Although this number shows a decrease in divorce rates from previous years, divorce is still necessary for many couples — and there's no doubt that it can be a very stressful experience. The distribution of assets, otherwise known as Equitable Distribution in New York, is one of the most difficult aspects of any divorce settlement. As such, there's often confusion regarding the division of business assets, and many are left wondering, 'is my spouse entitled to half my business? Before venturing into equitable distribution, you must familiarize...

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My Spouse Just Asked for a Divorce: What Should You Do?

spouse asks for divorce long island

Preparation is key to ensuring a smooth divorce process. Read on as The Law Offices of Ian S. Mednick offers tips on what to do if your spouse wants a divorce. A divorce is an emotionally and legally complex process. From filing a summons to getting a final Judgment of divorce, the process can take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years, depending upon what you and your spouse are litigating. If you have recently been surprised by the news that your spouse has asked for a divorce, it's essential to take certain steps to protect yourself and your assets. From hiring...

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How Do You Choose a Divorce Attorney?

choosing right divorce lawyer

Divorce is a painful time for the whole family, especially if it involves kids. Dealing with the emotional side of the process is difficult enough, so many couples forget to complete their legal duties beforehand. This is why it's crucial to find the right divorce attorney to take care of all the legalities. New York has a low divorce rate, but divorce attorneys remain a handful — some good, some bad. Keep reading to learn what you should pay attention to when choosing a divorce lawyer. Understanding the Role of the Divorce Attorney A divorce attorney specializes in divorce law and represents you in...

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5 Key Reasons to Hire a Family Divorce Lawyer

family and divorce lawyer in long island

Family and Divorce Law is one of the world's most complex and well-developed legal branches. In 2022, the market size for family and divorce lawyers reached $11.3 billion. A family lawyer will provide you with the expertise and professionalism you need to deal with any situation related to family and divorce law. However, finding a great one can be tricky. Keep reading to explore the top five reasons to hire a family lawyer. Navigating the Legal System The US legal system is an ever-changing structure, comprising six different bodies of law, alongside countless laws, bills, and regulations. Fortunately, you don't have to navigate...

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What to Know About Your Mortgage in a Divorce

mortgage and divorce long island

The divorce rate in the U.S. is now 2.3 per 1,000 people, based on the latest report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC. It means many couples are probably dealing with the financial consequences of their divorce, apart from the emotional rollercoaster. One of the common concerns of divorcing couples when sorting their finances and splitting assets is the mortgaged property. Your marital home, after all, isn't something you can literally break in half. If the property is mortgaged can one of you afford to buy the person out or will the home have to be sold.  Another issue...

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Your Guide to Postnuptial Agreements

postnuptial agreement long island ny

Around 50% of married couples in the US divorce. Ending your marriage can be one of the most emotionally and financially challenging times in your life. Divorce has many possible causes: infidelity, loss of intimacy, domestic abuse, substance abuse, financial issues, and moral differences. Whatever the reason, a postnuptial agreement will help protect your assets and minimize acrimony in divorce. It's a good way to secure your family's financial well-being, regardless of how your marriage will turn out. What is a postnuptial agreement? A postnuptial agreement is a contract that spouses enter into after they are legally married—be it months or years. It determines...

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Legal Separation or Divorce: Which Is Right for You?

divorce attorney long island

The current divorce rate in the United States is one of the highest worldwide at approximately 2.9 people out of 1,000. However, despite being a popular legal remedy for married couples who wish to leave their relationship, it is not the only option. Parties in a faltering or failing marriage sometimes opt for legal separation instead. Like divorce, a legal separation results in a formerly married couple living separate lives. Couples looking for a mutually favorable financial, legal, and emotional solution need to determine which option is most suitable for their unique situation. To help you choose which is right for you, read on about...

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