Five Signs of a High-conflict Divorce to Watch Out For

A divorce can bring out the worst in people. When emotions run high and anger becomes the driver of actions and responses, it becomes difficult to reason with one another and agree on almost anything. It’s important to become aware if yours is shaping up to be a high-conflict divorce so that you and your divorce attorney can prepare for the challenges ahead.
Studies show that 15 to 30 percent of divorces are high-conflict. Look out for these behaviors in your ex-spouse to find out if yours is one:
- Argumentativeness – If your ex talks too much and has a counterargument for every single thing you say or do, no matter how sensible, they are likely arguing for the sake of. This could be a distraction tactic: if they can get a rise out of you, it’s easy to gaslight and make you the insensible one who needs to see reason. This becomes a problem because the never-ending arguments can drag the divorce. It also runs the risk of never finding a common ground on important matters and decisions.
- Non-stop correspondence – While communication is necessary for divorce, it is best done through your attorneys so that the exchange doesn’t turn into harassment. In some cases, ex-spouses text, call, and email the other incessantly about everything but matters related to the case. These unnecessary communications will only encourage conflict and prevent sensible discussions between the two parties.
- Unwillingness to compromise – People who approach divorces with a “my way or the highway” attitude automatically set the ground for a high conflict divorce. Some spouses refuse to agree to anything the other says by principle. Whether it’s justified or driven by spite, an uncompromising attitude is an expensive roadblock that can be used against the spouse of lesser means.
- Willful violation of court orders – Courts commonly issue temporary orders on child custody, child support, distribution of assets, and occupancy of the marital home, and the like. If your spouse boldly and habitually disregards these orders, you can be sure they will also disrespect the final ruling on your divorce. This attitude will make it difficult to collect child support, for example, so you and your attorney should be prepared to keep dealing with your ex post-divorce.
- Displays “Malicious Parent Syndrome” behavior – This syndrome refers to the actions of spouses who seek to punish the other by attempting to place them in a bad light before their children, denying visitation rights, and engaging other people and even the court to alienate the children from the other parent. While experts don’t recognize Malicious Parent Syndrome as a mental disorder, courts may recognize its motivations and the legal consequences they deserve (e.g., change in custody, child abuse charges, perjury and defamation charges).
Get the Best Legal Team for Your High Conflict Divorce
It’s dangerous to try and deal with your ex-spouse on your own when you are in a high-conflict situation. You need to protect yourself as you fight for your legal rights, and you can do it when you have an experienced, strong-willed attorney who knows how to navigate high-conflict divorces.
The Law Offices of Ian S. Mednick, P.C. will aggressively represent you during mediation or in court. We bring over 15 years of experience in Long Island family courts to the table. If you feel that your divorce will be far from amicable and civil, give our seasoned attorneys a call.
Get some of the best divorce attorneys in Long Island on your side for your divorce. Call 631-780-7080 or get in touch via our contact form.